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Showing posts from June, 2018

How i rate stuff

I base my rating system on the 5 rating system. One means i didnt like it, two means it is ok, three means i like it, four means it is very good, 5 means favorite or Masterpiece. Then i convert the score to 100 based system. For example, If a show is a three, then i multiply it by 20. Then try to compare it to stuff above it and below it and do some changes if necessary. I will ask myself “do i like this show over that or not?” If i reach a point where i cant decide between three shows, i then stop there and leave the score as it is. I will only think about the show’s overall quality. I wont think very deeply on why or how that show is better than the other. I will just trust my guts. It might seems complicated, but i do this in seconds. TL;DR:

How to install the greatest anime/manga tracker of all time: Trackma

First of all, some info about the program before you install it. Trackma Trackma aims to be a lightweight and simple but feature-rich program for Unix based systems for fetching, updating and using data from personal lists hosted in several media tracking websites. Features Manage local list and synchronize when necessary, useful when offline Manage multiple accounts on different media tracking sites Support for several mediatypes (as supported by the site) Multiple user interfaces (Qt, GTK, curses, command-line) Detection of running media player, updates list if necessary Ability to launch media player for a requested media in the list and update list if necessary Highly scalable, easy to code new interfaces and support for other sites Secure, uses HTTPS wherever possible. Currently supported websites Anilist  (Anime, Manga) Kitsu  (Anime, Manga) MyAnimeList  (Anime, Manga) Shikimori  (Anime, Manga) VNDB  (VNs) Screenshots Qt interface (info taken fro